December 31, 2009


To follow up on my horn tooting post from this morning, I shall post a few of my resolutions for the new year.

Resolved to wake earlier than the girls in the morning to do my quiet time with Our Lord at the same time every day.

Resolved to pray for the grace to bless my husband more every day.

Resolved, to ask myself, at the end of every day, week, month and year, wherein I could possibly, in any respect, have done better. (This one comes from the resolutions of Jonathan Edwards, but I'm taking it on wholeheartedly). This is not about focusing on myself nor my sins, but it's about changing my life, every aspect, to reflect and promote the glory of God.

Resolved to, day by day, become less dependent on paper towels. (A totally pedestrian resolution compared to the one it follows, but there it is)

Resolved to read to Stella just as much as I did to Margot.


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